Organic Beef.


North Hardwick Farm animals are born on the farm, raised on the farm, and bred on the farm. True Vermont beef. Our closed herd insures the health and well being is of the highest quality. The only off farm herd disturbance would be the purchase of an occasional breeding bull or the need for organic beef replacements.

The beef herd started with our holstein animals being bred to a pure angus and the purchase of young certified organic angus calves. Moving forward, the farm offers angus and beef crosses for whole, half, and single cut purchases.

Our animals are pasture based and follow the strict guidelines of VOF. Rotational grazing is done to achieve the best health and immune support for the animal.

Ever since transitioning to organic 20 years ago, the health of the animal has increased each year. Maintaining their health is by giving them free choice minerals and kelp. When the hot summer sets in or the blustery cold, the animals can get what they want when the hay or grass is lacking those minerals.